Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cover Letter 2010.

If this topic looks familiar, it is probably because you read the OG last year.
So, a few days ago another close friend of mine asked me to re-work her cover letter, which I was happy to do.  But, before I could think of anything serious that a normal person might actually forward to a potential employer, I had to purge my brain of what it really wanted to say by making my own 2010 cover letter.
Please feel free to use any part of my cover letter for your own gain.  In this economic climate, it is the least I can do for you.
Oh, and if anyone else has a funny cover letter they would like to share, send it over and I will post the bitch up like my name was LeBron.

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Dear Sir Or Madam:

So you’re the one. 
The one who has me up all night using the “Synonym” tool in Microsoft Word looking up better, more intelligent-sounding words to substitute in for my already above-average vocabulary.  I hope you enjoy what you see, because I worked on it for days.
Well Human Resources person, I am also “the one.” 
I am the one who is the impossibly perfect fit for the open position at your firm.  The efficiency fanatic with the obsessive work-ethic that is also honest and trustworthy.  The one that comes off “friendly” to co-workers in a way that allows him to demand optimal performance from everyone around him while not seeming even the slightest bit demanding.  The one you wish would just appear so you could hire him and spare yourself the next month of reading underwhelming resume after underwhelming resume and scheduling pointless interview after pointless interview.  Well, today is the day you put those resumes in the recycle bin, because you are about to hire me.
You’re not going to believe this, but I am also “young guy older employees fear is coming in with his able body and tech-savvy knowhow to take their jobs.”  Yep, I am him too.  I will not apologize for unintentionally growing up in the “Tech-Age,” or for having the mental and physical tenacity to run four miles every day.
As you might expect, I excel at all things pertaining to Social Media. 
I can Twitter, text, email, Facebook, YouTube and Skype with the absolute best.  If there were a “Top Gun” competition for cell phones, you could call me “Ice Man” and etch my name on the trophy before the shit even jumped off.
You want proof?
I once redirected a Southwest Airlines flight out of Minneapolis from Phoenix to Burbank by using only BlackBerry Messenger and a Lipton Green Tea (with anti-oxidants).  Not really, but you get the idea.
Just in case no one actually reads these resumes because you send them through a software program, I should probably add a bunch of cliché cover letter terms like:
1 - self-starter
2 – teamwork
3 - expert time-management skills
4 – skill set
5 – team player
6 – outside the box thinker
7 - Ph. D.

Should we take the next step and meet face-to-face?  I am thinking so.  You know you want to interview this.


- The Todd

Email =
Facebook = WordsByTodd
Twitter = @WordsByTodd
Blog =
MySpace (Yep.  Still.) = /WordsByTodd
Cell = Do people still use phones call one another?  It doesn’t matter; don’t call me.


Jackson and Jenna said...


LindyNicole said...

This is fabulous! I can't wait to use it!

The Carter Posse said...

This is a keeper. Loves it.

Unknown said...

This is great! I wish I had the proverbial balls to send out something like this! :)