(Scoring opportunity: Points will be award to the first five people to post their favorite football team - College or Professional. Standard scoring is in effect You must post your favorite team in the "comments" section of this blog (at www.wordsbytodd.blogspot.com), and your favorite team must NOT be Ohio State.)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Watching Football Games At Bars.
(Scoring opportunity: Points will be award to the first five people to post their favorite football team - College or Professional. Standard scoring is in effect You must post your favorite team in the "comments" section of this blog (at www.wordsbytodd.blogspot.com), and your favorite team must NOT be Ohio State.)
Friday, September 25, 2009
College Football: My Love Actually.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I Could Be An Actor.

Reader Scoreboard #2.
Things appear to be pretty jammed up at the top. We should have that cleared up in the next couple of weeks.
1 - The Carter Posse = 10 points
2 - Jenna & Jackson = 10 points
3 - lindynicole = 5 points
4 - trina = 3 points
5 - everyone else = 0 points
If you are serious about scoring points and winning the ShamWow! that I am giving away, then bookmark/RSS this blog, read it religiously, find the trivia questions and leave your answers in the "comment" section.
You're welcome,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mayer Hawthorne.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Poppin' Tags.

The picture above has sparked a debate within my circle of friends (okay…triangle of friends), so I am looking to my readers to help settle the dispute with some sort of majority vote.
I emailed the photo in question to several of my friends with a message that said:
“Really?!?! When the material is that sheer?!?! I mean, I know you are going to return the dress, but…”
Several emails came back laughing that I caught the lady wearing a dress that she obviously plans to return. Other emails replied back that the defendant must have simply forgotten to remove the tag and surely plans to keep the dress. Lastly, one email replied back that I was ugly.
I took the picture last weekend in
The three children not wearing an umbilical cord all had ice cream cones from the Coldstone Creamery next door. Mom apparently skipped the ice cream in favor of a burrito, as she was the only one in her party who ordered while at Chipotle.
Also, the children screamed a lot.
So go on. Consider the facts and weigh in. We really need to get this settled.
Also, the first person to leave feedback in the “comment” section of actual website www.wordsbytodd.blogspot.com will receive ten points. Second place will receive five points. Third place will get three points. Fourth place gets two points. And, last and also least, Fifth place will receive one measly point. Sixth place can suck it along with the rest of you slack-ass bastards.
You’re welcome.
(A little proof that every thought I have somehow comes back to a Jay-Z song…)