I just wanted to take a quick blog to thank all of the retards over at Dell Computers for manufacturing a desktop model that makes me have to do this (see picture) to insert my USB flash drive.
When I think about all of the time, money and approval processes that my computer model’s design must have gone through, all I can say is “Dell, please hire me.” I have no doubt in my mind that I could have wasted months worth of your company’s time and money coming up with a terrible design plan for an awful desktop computer that would have every poor victim that bought one of the machines doing headstands just so he could plug in a USB device. Apparently, this is all it takes to snag a job in this company’s design department.
I am positive that I could have done just as poor of a job as your current staff did on the Dimension 8100. At the very least, I know my design would not have been worse than that which became approved. The reason I know this is because there could not possibly be a worse design than my Dell Dimension 8100. Well, maybe things would have been worse if the USB ports were on the BOTTOM of the machine, facing the floor. It amazes me that this idea was actually struck down in the approval process (since I am relatively certain that Dell’s design staff probably pitched for it).
Placing the USB ports on the front of the machine was almost a step in the right direction, until you hand jobs completely blew it (pun intended) by plopping the ports in the ONLY spot (and at the only ANGLE) on the front face of the machine that would make inserting a USB device a near impossibility without the help of an intermediate-level gymnastics maneuver.
Why exactly ARE the USB ports angled downward? Was it assumed that we would all have our CPUs above our heads, making the ports easily visible/accessible from a seated position at our desks? Is this what everyone else is doing? If so, it must just be a coincidence that all 5,974 desktop computer owners whose setups I have seen in my lifetime involve CPUs sitting on the floor.
I marvel.
Dell, please hire me. I would like an obscenely overpaid position in your Design department. Now, I have never worked exclusively with grade school dropouts, but I am really excited about the opportunity to do so.
Skip that.
I would like to be the obscenely overpaid executive that oversees, and is in charge of approving, everything that comes from the Design department. I am confident that I can run the department in a manner that upholds the level of stupid that you retards are churning out each day.
Oops. Check that, I have the Dimension 8200 (you’re not going to believe this, but the machine’s model information was difficult to locate and nearly impossible to read).
Step your ducking game up.
My next computer will be a MAC (flashing you bastards at Dell double-barrel middle fingers heeeeeeeeere).
Michael Dell, when you see me in the streets, don’t speak to me…unless it is about my resume.
You’re welcome.
[Peep the intermediate-level gymnastics, bitches...]
Many people put their CPU's on their desktops, so that's not as crazy of a placement. Or you could spend $5-$10 on a USB extension cord that you only plug in once, and sets on your desktop for ease of USB jump drive plugging in. Just sayin'.
HILARIOUS! The comment to Michael Dell really works. I love my Mac!
What's with the long hair?!
I have the same computer at work and it is one of my biggest pet peeves. On a daily basis I am crawling under my tiny desk in my cube and people are always wondering what the heck I am doing down there. It isn't very lady like to do gymnastics moves in a skirt and heels.
I'd say strong... to quite strong post.
Nice form on the dismount. Get a ducking haircut!!
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