Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm actually doing this. I am actually putting up an official scoreboard for my readers.

I never thought I would, but I also never thought anyone would respond to the first trivia question.

For those that have no idea what I am talking about, read the entry before this one (and the rest of them, for that matter). But, if you are too lazy to do that (like me) I will summarize by saying that I placed a ten-point trivia question in the previous blog entry that was answered correctly by "The Carter Posse." Thus, ten points have been awarded, and an official scoreboard has been instituted as a constant reminder that everyone else in the entire world (except "The Carter Posse") is ten points behind, and also sucks.

Check it:

1 - The Carter Posse = 10 points

2 - Everyone else in the world = 0 points

3 - See #2

4 - See #3

5 - See #4

So, that's it for today. Keep an eye out for the ten-point trivia questions and you too could one day have your name bestowed upon the WBT Scoreboard.

(FYI, if you are looking to make it onto the scoreboard, it is probably going to pay to brush up on your Hip-Hop, Dance, Electro, Dubstep, Bassline and Soul music)

You're welcome,



The Carter Posse said...

Bring it!

Jackson and Jenna said...

After being scolded on FB I will comment only to say that your last entry was lame. I didn't even "LOL!" Please bring the funny back, Hollywood. said...


Don't be mad that someone beat you to the trivia question.


Darren said...

Let's play a new game. I'll take Boiler Room quotes for ten, Alex.

I think the great Clubber Lang said it best when he said, "I can't be beat and I won't be beat. I pity the fool who tries to take what I got."